The Man and his Candidate

The Man and his Candidate

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Herman Cain and Generation X

Question from Aubrey G.: 

I am an avid Cain supporter;  member of my local Tea Party group and the proud dauighter of a Tea Party Precinct Delegate.

My question is both for personal knowledge and also to answer some questions that were asked of me.

I am the admin of Young Americans for Herman Cain Facebook Page, which was built to encourage 18-30 year olds to get involved and take a stand for what we believe in and to make our voices heard when it comes to the decisions being made in Washington. Its time to take back our Country!!

One thing that Obama did right in his campaign was he rallied for the support of the younger generation. The young Americans aged 18-29 make up nearly 18% of the total National Population. Is there a reason HC does not seem to make any special appearances to try to rally the suport of his younger supporters?

I am a part of Generation X. My Parents were Babyboomers. My biggest concerns to myself and the members of my generation right now are:

Stabilizing and turning around the economy,

Saving my money that i work hard for, because by the time i am ready to retire, there wont be a social security system to fall back on,

The safety of this country for my children.

Border Security- if i have to pay my way, so should they

Healthcare reform 

What are Herman Cains views on these issues?

Aubrey G.


It's not often that I'm going to take editorial license, but this is one of them. Aubrey, I will bet
the deed to my house" that you have very proud parents. You are the future, and I want to take a moment to thank you. With citizens like you and the whole group at "Young Americans for Herman Cain" Facebook Page, I feel more confident every day that my grandchildren have a bright future in America!

First off, I want to generally answer your question by telling a personal story. I rejoined politics after a sabbatical of 10 years to join the Scott Brown campaign. A couple years before that, I had had the both joyous, and sobering moment of looking, for the first time at my first born grand daughter. I remember going home from the hospital and beginning to ask myself what kind of a world I had left for her. And I was not happy with myself. I rejoined the fray, and here I am. A bit more than a year ago, after the 2010 election cycle and working tirelessly to unseat Barney Frank (unsuccessfully, darn it), I began looking for the next hill to climb, the next battle to wage. I had the opportunity to see a man who was then the "unheard of" candidate for President, Herman Cain. During a speech, early on in New Hampshire, a little boy ran up to him. He picked the boy up and allowed him one question. Mr. Cain was asked who his favorite superhero was, and answered the young man saying that America needed a superhero for President. When he put the boy down, and still holding his hand, he turned back to the crowd and said, "You see, it's NOT about us. It's about the kids (pronounced key-ids); it's about the grandkids (key-ids)!!!" At that moment, my heart was one with with Herman Cain. It was not a prepared remark, nor rehearsed. It was spoken by a man, very different from, and exactly the same as me. Aubrey, this campaign is ALL about you, your generation and your children. Let's look at each of your concerns.

1.  Stabilizing and turning around the economy: Mr. Cain is first and foremost a problem solver, whose whole career has been involved in saving and turning around failing business, BurgerKing, Pillsbury, and Godfather's Pizza. The United States government is no more, economically, that another failed business. Mr. Cain has proposed the "9-9-9 Plan" that through simplicity, transparency and consistency will inspire business to re-invest in America, creating jobs and increasing income. It throws out the current confusing and unfair tax code and replaces it with one fair, equitable code and both affords everyone the responsibility to pay in, and gives back equal opportunity for success. No longer will government be "picking winners and losers."

2.  Saving my money I work hard for because, when I retire, there won't be Social Security to fall back on: First off, Mr. Cain has proposed, during the campaign, SAVING Social Security by proposing the Chilean Model. "I believe in the Chilean model,” Cain said in a GOP debate Sept. 7. “Chile had a broken system the way we did 30 years ago. A worker was paying 28 cents on a dollar into a broken system. They finally awakened and put in a system where the younger workers could have a choice … Give them a choice with an account with their name on it and over time we would eliminate the current broken system that we have.” Maybe you WILL have that.... Secondly, as part of 9-9-9, Mr. Cain has proposed abolishing the capital gains tax. This makes investing more lucrative and allows you to keep all of the money you make investing.

3.  The safety of this country for my children: Mr. Cain has proposed a policy he calls, "Peace through Strength and Clarity". I have linked it for you to his own page and an excellent paper on National Security.

4.  Border Security: Mr Cain does not believe "illegal immigration" is a single problem, but four seperate problems that create issues with the security of our borders. He has proposed a 4 point plan to address these: a. Secure the borders, b.  Enforce EXISTING laws c.  Simplify confusing and unfair immigration regulations and d. Create a pathway to citizenship.

5.  Healthcare Reform:  Mr. Cain's plan would abolish the cumbersome and regulation-laden Obamacare legislation. It would return to a "free market" healthcare system. "The majority of Americans agree: it’s time to repeal and replace Obamacare with patient-centered, free market reforms. It’s time to institute legitimate tort reforms that let doctors practice medicine without fear of frivolous lawsuits. Loser pay laws would be a great start! That is, require those who lose frivolous lawsuits to pay the legal expenses of those found not guilty. Additionally, loosening the restrictions on Health Savings Accounts would help to empower Americans to save and invest their own money to expand their options for health care.

Let’s level the playing field under the current tax code and allow the deductibility of health insurance premiums regardless of whether they are purchased by the employer or the employee. That would help shift ownership of one’s health care back to where it belongs, the individual. Patient-centered free market health care reforms have already been developed and introduced in Congress, but they are stuck in committee and they can’t get out. With the right leadership we can get them out and get them passed." (directly from

I hope this has been helpful. I cannot tell you how pleased I am you came to us for your answers. Check back often!!